Virtual Retreat:
The Secret to [Joyful] High Performance
Join our next Virtual Retreat on August 15th at 2pm to access more clarity, a deeper peace of mind, take stock of progress and to RECHARGE and REVITALISE so you can hit your goals with more ease and fun.
New Virtual Retreat
Why you should take time out on retreat...
In a time of rush rush rush, we rarely slow down enough to do the basics of maintenance. You wouldn't run a high performance vehicle without a regular tune up or service, but we tend not to treat ourselves in the same way. The risks though, are high. Lower performance, poorer decision making, burnout, relationship challenges. Add to that career dissatisfaction, demotivation and there you have compelling reasons to commit to your own wellbeing.
A retreat is an opportunity to:
- Step away and back from the frontline of our work and home lives
- Recharge by creating mental and physical space away from the high intensity of our roles
- Clear our minds and relax our bodies so we can return to peak performance
- Reconnect with what's important to us and to make course corrections
What is a virtual retreat?
A 3 hour immersive experience via Zoom in which you can rest, recharge, get clarity and focus. It's a perfect way to invest in your self-care and growth, without having to travel or take too much time out.
How does it work?
Expertly facilitated, in a small, intimate group setting, the virtual retreat combines a range of powerful techniques and exercises to help you in to calm, clarity and presence.
We use: meditation, guided visualisation, journalling and small group work as a way into beautiful and peaceful state of mind.
What are the benefits
Slowing down
You can't under estimate the power of slowing down as a way of reconnecting with what's important to you.
Feel recharged
Your body and your mind need time out from the hectic pace of life to recharge and revitalise.
More clarity
When you have more mental and physical space, you get insights about how to move forwards in your life and creative solutions for things which felt stuck.
New tools
You'll have access to cutting edge tools for wellbeing you can re-use for yourself and with your teams.
Next Virtual Retreat - 15/8/23
We focus on:
Leading edge psychology
Quality experiences
Impact to improve your performance
A 3 hour online retreat to recharge, reset and boost your wellbeing and productivity. Get clarity, reset your nervous system. Come out refreshed and ready to hit the ground running.

Your retreat leader:
Matt Fox
Matt is transformational coach, retreat guide, facilitator and mentor. Matt loves to inspire and empower individuals to unlock their true potential. He acts as a catalyst for transformation in the realm of personal development and professional growth. Matt's work combines profound insight with practical strategies to guide his clients towards success.
Snr Manager
Working with Matt has had a huge impact
"A weight has been lifted - with no digital detox, mind management or twice-daily meditation required! I have no hesitation recommending Matt to anyone curious about how to improve their experience of life at work."
Here's What You'll Get
Want to Go Deeper?
For a limited time, I am offering follow up coaching packages at a discounted price for you to deepen the insights you get at the retreat or explore further themes that arise. You can book these additional coaching sessions in a number of different configurations below.
Why go deeper?
Retreats often open up new perspectives in our lives and sometimes we can benefit from having a space to explore what goals, longings, questions or desires arise from these insights. Coaching is great vehicle for this.
Go from idea to action
Sometimes we can really use someone on our side, who can help us get perspective and turn our ideas into sustainable and impactful action. Coaching supports you perfectly with this.
Sustain gains
You make the investment (of time, energy and money) to make space in your life with the retreat. You see things afresh and feel renewed. But how do you carry that on into the every day when you're back on the field? Coaching can help you keep an eye on what's important and commit to it with a perfect blend of support and challenge.
Happy Clients
Matt brings active listening to the next level and helps you get to the core of the goals you want to achieve in life and then helps you build the tools and mentality needed to make them into a reality.
Snr Leader
I have never worked with anyone who has a more natural and nurturing coaching and mentoring approach than Matt.
Matt is adept at helping others discover their true self and lead a happier, more fulfilling life. He imparts concepts and tools in a lucid, comprehensible way, albeit without negating the complexities.
Senior Leader
What Makes This Different?
You can always take time out, and that's valuable. But do you sometimes do that and find yourself spinning your wheels, checking your phone or wondering what's going on?
Making the conscious choice to take time out with a structure can make all the difference. Matt brings his unique expertise in holding space, leading people to their own insights and clarity to support you to have a profound, resetting and deepening experience that you won't easily find in any other 3 hour time out from work.
Pricing Options
The Retreat
Full access to the 3 hour retreat. Max 15 participants.
Retreat + 3 x 60 minute coaching package
Full access to the 3 hour retreat and 3 x 1 hour coaching sessions to deepen your experience
(33% off the usual cost)
Retreat + 6 x 60 minute coaching
Full access to the 3 hour retreat and 6 x 1 hour coaching sessions to deepen your experience (38% off the usual cost)
What others are saying...
Matt has a rare gift for listening - really listening - coupled with a deep empathy. His genuine desire to see people come to a place of 'wholeness' within themselves is humbling to experience, including the generous giving of his time and life wisdom.
Tim - consultant
Matt is an incredible coach, his ability to hear his clients and listen beyond what is being said is a rare quality to find, he is unshakeable in his belief in what he does as well as in his clients.
sam - coach
I feel that I am able to actually switch off to recover properly from the more difficult times. I spend less effort second guessing myself and more trusting myself to move forward. I am more loving to myself and my loved ones.
Dilraj - snr leader
Yes - this will be a small, intimate and participative experience. Just as you would at a face to face workshop, we expect you to be present and engaged for the full 3 hours to get the benefit.
No - there will be some periods of quiet reflection but the format is very interactive and participative (nothing scary, but designed to help you get into a deep state of reflection and quiet within.)
Please commit to the date you've booked for. Of course life happens and, my intention is to run more of these retreats but there are no refunds if you can't make it on the day.

This is your time...
See How Easily You Can Enhance Your Wellbeing, Get Clarity and Deepen Your Insight for How You Want Your Life to Be
This retreat will be a powerful shortcut for you to recharge, restore and get insight into how to move forwards in your life.
I'm passionate about helping people find the quiet space within...
This is the space of insight. The place that opens up new possibilities. That helps you connect with what you truly want. This virtual retreat is a powerful and nourishing experience for anyone who feels frazzled, wants to slow down, re-centre and reconnect with what's important to them. Give yourself the gift of clarity...