How to shift what seems unshiftable |

How to shift what seems unshiftable

There’s something I’ve never felt great about as a coach.

That’s my relationship with my physical fitness.

Obviously, as  a coach, my mental and emotional fitness has always been a top priority.

But I’ll be honest, I’ve had sporadic periods of a physical fitness habit, but it’s never been easy or enjoyable to sustain.

I love walking. I loved cycling in my pre-40s, but I don’t think I was ever in a peak physical condition.

3 ½ years ago, before my second son was born, I was looking down the barrel of being a dad again in his 50s.

That gave me something to think about, in terms of my fitness, resilience and strength. Wanting to be around and capable for my family in the long term.

I started lifting weights and exercising more regularly, but after he was born, there were all sorts of challenges that limited time and opportunity, and I told myself that exercise was impossible to fit in.

The thing was, that I loved lifting weights and enjoyed the feeling of getting stronger.

But I was firmly stuck in the belief that action wasn’t possible in my current situation.

At the start of this year, I had a profound but simple insight:

It was perfectly possible for me to fit in exercise around my existing client commitments.

I started working out between my appointments. Weights at first and now mixed up with HIIT.

I’m still early in the journey, but I’m finding joy, freedom and fun in working out regularly.

I feel for the first time that I can truly say I am looking after all aspects of my wellbeing and it comes with ease.

This is the life-changing power of insight and how it transcends limiting belief.

Until then, our perceived limitations seem immoveable and intractable.

Something shifts. A new perspective is offered and then we’re into a new reality.

One of possibility.

Creative intention.

And then, naturally, easily… action.

So over to you…

What are you seeing as impossible in your life and why? I’d love to hear.

Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash