Entrepreneur and consultant dad blog | MattFoxCoaching.com
A man sitting in a chair on top of a roof

Feeling restless? What does it actually mean?

10am. Already 30 minutes at my desk and I couldn’t settle to anything. In my mind, there were so many things to do but whenever I tried to apply myself to what was in front of me, I felt antsy. Distracted. Wanting to do anything but was I had set out to do. I fiddled around […]

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Two bikers sitting on the seashore

Are you living for now or for retirement?

I had a great discussion with a client this week about their hopes and dreams for retirement. They had some wonderful plans and clarity about what life could look like in 10 or so years’ time. It had me ask them a question… “What would need to happen for you to live in that retirement feeling right now?” Not […]

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Dad and son on a beach

What’s on the other side of grumpiness?

I woke up (or woked up as my 3 year old says) in a pretty grumpy mood. A bad night’s sleep, ruminating on a crazy to do list, feeling like I needed more rest. As my wife slipped out to her exercise class, it turned out my sons had woken up the same. It’s not a good combination, […]

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A pair of dumbbells and a black mat on the floor

How to shift what seems unshiftable

There’s something I’ve never felt great about as a coach. That’s my relationship with my physical fitness. Obviously, as  a coach, my mental and emotional fitness has always been a top priority. But I’ll be honest, I’ve had sporadic periods of a physical fitness habit, but it’s never been easy or enjoyable to sustain. I love walking. I loved […]

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People walking on street during daytime

What if you didn’t need to try so hard?

As someone who has made it a lifelong mission to work hard at things, it can feel incredibly uncomfortable to consider there might be an easier way. For me, and I imagine many reading this post, the cultural norm is to ‘go all in’, ‘strive hard’ ‘work to get results.’ Of course there’s nothing wrong with this, […]

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A person standing in front of an ocean

The simplest question to ask yourself to unlock your next step

I’ve had some wonderful conversations this week. One question has unfailingly created the most impact. When someone slows down to really connect with the question and consider their answer, there is often a big release of emotion. The question… What is it that you really want? That question invites you to go deeper in your introspection. Not to take the […]

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Woman standing on a cliff

How to cope better with disappointment

It happens to us all. The news you didn’t want, the job offer that didn’t come through. Being side-lined or overlooked when the value you give is so patently obvious. When something disappointing happens, it’s hard not to take it deeply personally. To want to make it about ourselves. To fall into a pit of introspection about what did […]

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Photo of a mother and child

What if your greatest challenge is your greatest gift?

Mother’s Day was a challenge this year. My eldest son has been struggling with some big emotions and on the day, our best laid plans lay tattered on the floor. There were tears, sadness, dismay, frustration (and I’m not saying from whom!) I felt bad for my wife, concerned for my sons and I’ll admit it, feeling somewhat […]

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Man in black suit sitting on a chair

Is this the cost of success?

I’m curious, is success secretly killing your relationship? So many people that I work with speak about this. They are often driven leaders in tech, who are crushing their results, see their careers go from strength to strength. But those steps often come with a hidden cost, often showing up in their relationships with family and loved ones. How will […]

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