Are you living for now or for retirement? |

Are you living for now or for retirement?

I had a great discussion with a client this week about their hopes and dreams for retirement.

They had some wonderful plans and clarity about what life could look like in 10 or so years’ time.

It had me ask them a question…

“What would need to happen for you to live in that retirement feeling right now?”

Not to have it as something deferred but appearing in their life from tomorrow.

It gave them pause for thought.

In that creative space, ideas flooded in about what could be achieved immediately  to live in that retirement feeling.

It wasn’t simply about what they might do, but how they might be.

From the place of ‘being in a retirement feeling’ the doing flows naturally.

Often we get caught up in ideas of ‘I’ll be happy when X happens.’

But this model of deferred pleasure takes us away from appreciating what we have right now.

Finding well being today, not tomorrow or next month or even next year.

Life is far too precarious to place a bet on some distant future.

Did you really know 10 years ago what life would look like today.

My guess is that whatever ideas you had weren’t completely accurate.

How could they be? Maybe you’ve faced relationship changes, employment changes, health challenges…

You will have been through the pandemic.

None of these things would have been on your horizon 10 years ago.

So, how could you get into a retirement feeling today?

You can explore this further with these questions:

How could you access your retirement feeling right now?

What would you need to do?

What you have to accept and what would you have to let go of?

What do you really want for yourself today?

What possibilities are you open to?

And if you want to explore being in a retirement feeling from today more for yourself, send me a message so we can set a time to explore.

Photo by Viktor Bystrov on Unsplash