What if you didn’t need to try so hard? | MattFoxCoaching.com

What if you didn’t need to try so hard?

As someone who has made it a lifelong mission to work hard at things, it can feel incredibly uncomfortable to consider there might be an easier way.

For me, and I imagine many reading this post, the cultural norm is to ‘go all in’, ‘strive hard’ ‘work to get results.’

Of course there’s nothing wrong with this, but it can feel effortful, onerous, burdensome.

You run out of momentum and then question what’s it all for?

Maybe you feel secretly sad or ashamed that you’re not where you want to be at this point in your life.

Perhaps you fear a look from a partner or children or friends that seems to say ‘You really could have done better.’

Or you fear getting to the finish line of life with the regret of it being an unlived life.

What if there was another way?

Where you tap into inspiration and energy, where you prioritise what uplifts you and feels both good and right?

This simple shift of attention from ‘What I need to do’ to ‘What feels good to do’ can be transformational.

It allows you to life in a fuller version of yourself, unfettered and disrupted by ideas of who or what you should be.

Using your feelings as guidance, you begin to pick your way across the stepping stones of life, knowing that you are living it to the fullest extent.

Not compromising or dismissing what feels good or even daring or way out there.

A simple commitment to listen to your inner voice that knows deeply and clearly what you truly desire.

If this speaks to you and you’d like to explore allowing more of yourself to see the light of day that you currently do, send me a message.

Photo by Niña Venus on Unsplash