October, 2023 | MattFoxCoaching.com

Monthly Archives: October 2023

A person standing holding a black bag

Do you hold back from promoting yourself and your value?

If life and work, were complete meritocracies, then we’d never sweat about whether we’re getting recognised and rewarded for what we do. But as most of us have found out, it isn’t always the best person who gets noticed or promoted, it’s sometimes the person who’s done a great job promoting themselves. If you sometimes secretly seethe […]

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A woman holding her face in a dark room

Is fear driving you?

Over the years, I’ve pushed hard towards my goals. There were times when I was all in, full of enthusiasm and energy. There were other times when it all became a drag and I had to effort hard. I think that’s pretty common, when you’re focused on creating an outcome. There was another characteristic to this […]

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Softball on land

What if they won’t play ball?

Last week I got into a tussle with my son over screen time. He has limited access to screens and specific games and he asked to play a game on my phone which my wife had deleted on hers. He assured me that she would let him play the game and I chose to trust that. […]

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A woman lying on a couch

Is it that you can’t or that you don’t want to?

I was having a fascinating conversation with a super smart and successful client who wants to take his career to the next level this week. We were exploring how he can maximise his impact when he is very time poor, given the pace and breadth of his role. Through this conversation, one thing that came up was […]

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Man holding his head while sitting on a sofa

What to do you when you get agitated or overwhelmed

I was in a state of agitation The morning hadn’t got off to a good start. My son was dragging his feet for the school run and I could see we were going to be late. I’d slept badly and could feel myself getting into a state of reactivity.  Not the responsive, considered energy I might normally bring […]

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